How lucky am I? Very. I received the above award this morning.

Delighted to accept and pass it on, my gift giver, the marvelous Author Poppet.

The gift was awarded to my other site http://StaceyWritesEmptyChairs.yolasite.com
That site is under reconstruction, so I will most graciously accept my award here.

Here are the rules of the awards system.
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3.Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! {In no particular order}
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

7 things about me...groan.
1. I'm tall
2. i hate typing 7 things about me
3. I smoke
4. I am trying to stop.
5.writing and music rule my life.
6. oh~~ and the critters.
7. Don't bother opening your mouth if you can't be honest constructively...my rule.

1. Sessha Batto

2.T.L Tyson

3.Noelle Pierce

4.Diane Nelson

5. Raven Dane

6.Sheen Ignatia

7.Gev Sweeney


9. Query Shark

10.Cathleen Holst

11.Sarra Curran Ross

12.The Book Shelf.
13.Before You Take That Pill.

14.Sandie Dent

15. Poppet's Imagination Captivation.

Okay, done now I'm off to give the award to the lovelies.

Thanks again Poppet for the nomination.

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